Even though medicines were created by the Centers For Disease Control and prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services,National Institute of Health,Food and Drug Administration and pharmacies have some side effects. After the end of the pandemic people are now free outside from quarantine. Our heads can fool us believing things that are not true. It allows people to lie.I’ll say we can blame ourselves in a retrospect because COVID ending peoples lives, Viruses are able to make mutates, strains, and variants that are worse. Old diseases and new diseases are deadly caused by climate change which there’s no CURE.I noticed that I played as a girl but she became diagnosed with some kind of dreaming disorder, nightmare disorder, sleeping disorder or psychological disorder after she took her pills.
This reminded me a LOT of Presentable Liberty in a way where you felt isolated from society. It was very moving, scary, and kind of depressing. I got one ending and seen the other.
If you have troubles on mac go here: https://nothanscydia.gitbook.io/medfix/macos-osx/m1 If it's a malicious software, head back to the site and bring your cursor down to "Malicious" Method. Hope this helps!
I will make it in minecraft but it would be hard plz reply to this post for commands so reply commands that i can and send me a picture of the map to my pink samsung so nohidev the creator and its not you illia so reply to this post
I did NOT expect the ending. I downloaded the game and did not really know what I was getting into until it was too late. I was aware of the trigger warnings but did not know it was this dark. This is a TRUE horror game. Great game and great story telling but it really messed with me. That poor child and that sick man...how can a father do that to their child!?
This is very well done! I bought it after seeing a couple minutes of Markiplier playing it. Thought I would have more fun playing it myself first. I hope you get enough funding for the Steam release, more people need to experience this!
is the executable file a .exe file? my computer says the file might harm my pc and I get super paranoid about that sort of stuff lol. i know it's most likely okay but still, i just want to make sure that i'm opening the right file :)
yes that should be the right one. The warning message only shows because most indie developers won't pay for a publisher signature because it is very costly.
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This game is horrifying when you find out what's going on.
I made a 16-minute video essay summarising all of the lore and symbolism, as well as the real case behind it all.
If you want to know more about this game, check it out! I worked really hard on this video and I hope Nouhidev sees it too.
Even though medicines were created by the Centers For Disease Control and prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services,National Institute of Health,Food and Drug Administration and pharmacies have some side effects. After the end of the pandemic people are now free outside from quarantine. Our heads can fool us believing things that are not true. It allows people to lie.I’ll say we can blame ourselves in a retrospect because COVID ending peoples lives, Viruses are able to make mutates, strains, and variants that are worse. Old diseases and new diseases are deadly caused by climate change which there’s no CURE.I noticed that I played as a girl but she became diagnosed with some kind of dreaming disorder, nightmare disorder, sleeping disorder or psychological disorder after she took her pills.
bruh tf are you yapping about did u understand the game at all?
This reminded me a LOT of Presentable Liberty in a way where you felt isolated from society. It was very moving, scary, and kind of depressing. I got one ending and seen the other.
If you have troubles on mac go here: https://nothanscydia.gitbook.io/medfix/macos-osx/m1 If it's a malicious software, head back to the site and bring your cursor down to "Malicious" Method. Hope this helps!
oh i have pixeled
im waiting for mobile google play version
nouhidev pls make android version of my eyes deceive or ELSEmake this version on google play pls
I will make it in minecraft but it would be hard plz reply to this post for commands so reply commands that i can and send me a picture of the map to my pink samsung so nohidev the creator and its not you illia so reply to this post
make it in roblox bro
Thx bro
played this on a Windows 7, it was good
Nouhidev make a moblie verison of my eyes deceive or else i will make it in scratch jr so make a mobile version of my eyes deceive on itch.io
Why isn't available for Android noo
Dont worry i trened him look at this picture
game freezes at the begining, when you have to type in your diary :(
I'm just gonna say I'm glad I got the escape ending
This is such a well thought out game! You deserve lots of recognition. well done!
Hello, I will be playing this live tomorrow 11/23 around 2-3 PM EST =D.
hi! i play on windows 10S.
the enter key is not working (in menu) and i can't get into the game. i hope you can either tell me what to press or fix this, thank you!
I really love this game, the endings are absolutely INSANE
that title is like something i would come up with, that's pretty cool
Very interesting plot.
Game Is Unsettling, But DAMN That Game Broke My Heart...
(Game In In The Video, Hope Y'all Enjoy Watching It😁👍)
Greetings, the Mac download isn't working. It says it can't be opened, is there something wrong with the download? Thanks for the support.
What worked for me was downloading it from the itch.io app
It's a really disturbing game and I personally love how it tackles very mature topics
It keeps saying Adminstrator for mac, but I have seen clips, good game! sorry it got stolen on roblox
Awesome game, awesome representation.
Good Job
Amazing game! It reminds me a little of presentable liberty with the playing games while waiting for contact from the outside.
This is very well done! I bought it after seeing a couple minutes of Markiplier playing it. Thought I would have more fun playing it myself first. I hope you get enough funding for the Steam release, more people need to experience this!
thank you very much! :)
This is a very disturbing, sad story ...
Make it co op
This comment is diabolical
is the executable file a .exe file? my computer says the file might harm my pc and I get super paranoid about that sort of stuff lol. i know it's most likely okay but still, i just want to make sure that i'm opening the right file :)
yes that should be the right one. The warning message only shows because most indie developers won't pay for a publisher signature because it is very costly.
A fantastic game with a chilling ending!
I did not expect the ending of this game. It left me speechless. I really enjoyed it, but man, that ending..
Check out my playthrough below!